Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kid-Free Vacation!!

This is a picture taken from the deck on our condo. BEAUTIFUL!!! Jed and I went to Victoria BC for a much needed (for me at least) kid-free vacation. The weather was perfect. Though just a little chill when the wind blew.

You could hear the horns from the boats.....

.......and the sounds of these planes taking off and landing very frequently.....

those sounds were blocked out pretty easy. Can't say the same for the guy smoker next door, constantly coughing up his lung. If this picture were bigger, you can actually see him standing out on his deck too!

We took a walk downtown only to find that Darth Vader is a little down on his luck and shows his musical talents for some extra moola. One guy stopped to get his picture taken with him and didn't even drop any money in the case! Who's really the one on the dark side in that scenario?

My most favorite part of the trip was walking and talking with Jed along the beautiful water. A nice guy passing by took this for us, though we actually got a lot of good pictures of us together using the handy dandy camera timer.

Jed, as always, knows how to randomly bring a smile to my face :)

I feel guilty not putting any pictures of the kids, but Halloween is next weekend so, there'll be plenty then. But I still feel guilty so here's a few pics down at first dam.

Gage was so funny, We kept telling him to open his eyes and close his mouth but he just couldn't do both at the same time.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hooray for Fall!!!

Well, fall is my most favorite time of year! I love the weather, the clothes, the fact that the next 3 months are full of holiday celebrations, the changing leaves. I'm really excited to drive through Sardine Canyon as it's so beautiful. I've also never been to a corn maze....I know, I know. So one Monday evening we took the kids and had a lot of fun. I'm 100% positive that if Jed weren't there, we would have got lost. This is the mini hay maze the kids got to play in after we came out of the corn maze.

The kids had a blast. We did too!

Now onto the excitement of Halloween being this month, but Gage dresses up pretty much daily anyway. That's right....a beanie, a spiderman shirt, a batman cape, and a football.

 Blakely, a little young to play dress up, but never too young to get into trouble.

Indiana has soon realized that school lunch sounds cooler than it is. He doesn't like much of what they serve which is okay with me because the nutrition really isn't the best there. But he still loves school. He's been introduced to silly bands and trades with his friends often. Jed is in week 3 of his P90X journey and he is doing AMAZING!!! He is definitely someone that will work hard to reach a goal he wants! I admire him for that and I'm very proud of him.

Hooray for Fall!!!

Well, fall is my most favorite time of year! I love the weather, the clothes, the fact that the next 3 months are full of holiday celebrations, the changing leaves. I'm really excited to drive through Sardine Canyon as it's so beautiful. I've also never been to a corn maze....I know, I know. So one Monday evening we took the kids and had a lot of fun. I'm 100% positive that if Jed weren't there, we have got lost.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Let's try this again.....

So we had a family blog but it was linked to an older blog account that we had and I couldn't figure out how to enter to do a blog, blah,blah,blah, and, to be quite honest, the old blog account brings me back to too much stuff. Sorry for the run around. And I must apologize, because I'm sure there is a way to revamp the other one to get rid of the old stuff, but my "techy" knowledge, is well, let's just say Indy knows more than I do.

We are/have been travelin' fools lately. I'm not going to tell any stories right now, but I will try to figure out the picture thing.......the picture above was at Ocean Shores in Washington.

A brief update, Jed is LOVING his job with New Dawn, he's is doing a lot of traveling with it. all over the U.S. and he went to Guam in July. I still work for the same wonderful dentist for a total now of almost 8 years! I am so blessed that he allows me to work from home. I also recently became an Independent Beachbody coach, which allows me to work from home too. Indiana started 1st grade and he loves school. The excitement of school lunch however, is wearing down. Gage is doing his preschool at home with me. He has grown so much, someone asked Jed if he and Indiana were twins! (they were lying sideways in a family picture). Blakely just turned 1 and is walking/running all over the place. She is always happy but is such a busy body.

So that's us in a nutshell. I WILL be better at keeping this blog updated! There, now I'm committed.